June 30, 2020

How To Market Your Business On The Ubii App


Small businesses are always in need of help with finding new clients. It doesn’t matter if you’re a contractor, restaurant, mechanic, small retail store or something else, finding new customers is always a challenge and you have fewer ways to affordably market to them. SEO is always a great option but the top page of search engines is usually controlled by the top companies in the field and directories, limiting the reach smaller businesses have.


Another option is social media where you can directly reach consumers in your area based on a variety of options including their age, geo, gender and interests. This is a great way to introduce your brand to people who may fit the profile of your usual customers, but the issue there is that they may not need your products or services at that time. Hitting consumers or having them find you when they need you is the best way to generate sales, but again it can be hard to be in the right place at the right time.


That’s where the Ubii app can be a difference maker for your company. Rather than focusing on how much money you pay or what marketing services you are using, the app ranks you based on how close to the consumer you are, your experience, what you charge and what your ratings are. Consumers use the app when they need a service and they are able to find the providers on the app who can immediately help them and fit their budget. Displaying your company on here will not only make you reachable to consumers actively searching for your assistance but allows you to standout based on what’s really important, not how much you are paying to be found. The more you are able to display availability on the app, the more consumers will find you and have all the information they need to make an immediate decision.